Pipworth Community

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Pipworth Community

Primary School

Pipworth Community

Y5 RB Home Learning

Daily lessons during self-isolation

Monday 5th October 2020

Maths - Inverses

Read the information about inverses, then choose your level of challenge - practise, apply or extend.

English - Relative clauses 

Watch the video and then complete the independent activity explained in the document below.

Music - Practise a song about Ancient Greece using the video lesson in the link below...



The story is told by the Old Soldier, looking back forty years to when he was a bodyguard at the Spartan court...

Paris, prince of Troy, is blown off course and his ships put in at Sparta. Troy is a powerful city and Paris is welcomed by King Menelaus and his beautiful queen, Helen. Paris makes himself at home and his familiarity with Helen gives the Soldier cause for concern.

When Menelaus is called away on business Paris uses the opportunity to declare his love for Helen and persuade her to return with him to Troy. The Soldier watches as Paris smuggles Helen on board his ship and the Trojan fleet ups anchor. The Soldier knows how Menelaus will react when he finds out; he knows it will mean war...and that he will be 'in it up to my neck'.

Friday 2nd October 2020

Maths - Solve addition problems

Get as far as you can with the questions on the sheet below:

English - 'How Zeus Became King of the Gods' reading comprehension

Read the story below and then answer the questions.

History - Ancient Greek myths and legends

Get to know these Ancient Greek myths and legends by watching the animations and listening to the stories. Take your time - you don't have to watch them all at once! (The stories work better with Adobe Flash Player installed but text-only versions are also available)

Daedalus & Icarus

Demeter & her daughter Persephone

Pandora's Box

Perseus and Medusa

Arachne the Spinner


Thursday 1st October 2020

Maths - Solve subtraction problems

Get as far as you can with the questions on the sheet below:

English - Edit a setting description

Read through the presentation below about fronted adverbials and then go back and edit your setting description of Ancient Athens to make sure you have got a good amount of fronted adverbials in your writing.

R.E. - Jesus and the Tax Collector

Read through the story in the presentation below and watch the video on https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z4x6yrd....

....and then complete the sheet below.

Wednesday 30th September 2020

Maths - Subtraction problems using 4 or 5-digit numbers

Watch the video below to remind yourself of column subtraction, then try to use subtraction to solve problems. Choose your level of challenge - practise, apply or extend.

English - Write a setting description.

Finish writing the setting description that you started yesterday.

Science - Revise states of matter

Use the videos on the page below to remind yourselves about states of matter (you have learned about this before!):


then complete the task below...

Tuesday 29th September 2020

Maths - Addition problems using 5-digit numbers

Take the addition skills that you practised yesterday and try to use them to solve problems. Choose your level of challenge - practise, apply or extend.

English - Write a setting description of Ancient Athens

Today and tomorrow, you will spend time writing your setting description of Ancient Athens. Make sure you use your plan from yesterdayand any other notes / ideas from last week. You can also go back and watch the Ancient Athens video as much as you like. If you look below, you will see the WILF and an example of how to start a setting description.

Art - Sketching Ancient Greek vases

First, watch this video for some tips and tricks about sketching and spend some time practising the techniques.

Then, choose a vase shape from the pictures below and try sketching one carefully, thinking about the outlines, edges and trying to think about light and shade too (see the example at the bottom).

Monday 28th September 2020

Maths - Column addition

Watch the video and choose which level of Maths questions you would like to do on the sheets below. It's the usual choice - practise, apply or extend.

English - Plan a setting description 

Use some of your vocabulary and expanded noun phrase from last week to fill in the planning sheet below. This sheet will help to prepare you for writing your setting description of Ancient Athens, which we will begin writing tomorrow. If you feel like watching the video of Ancient Athens again for inspiration, then you can find it below too.

History - Research a question about the Ancient Greeks

Our enquiry questions:

What kinds of jobs did people have in Ancient Greece?

How did the war affect the Greeks?

What Gods did the Ancient Greeks worship?

How did language develop in Ancient Greece?

How did the Ancient Greeks develop sports and the Olympics?

What was fashion like in Ancient Greece?

What did the Ancient Greeks do for entertainment?

Choose one question and research using the internet or books (if you have either of these available).

Friday 25th September 2020

Maths - Rounding review

Watch the videos and then get as far as you can with the questions below. Will you make it all the way to end? Good luck!

English - 'Theseus and the Minotaur' reading comprehension

Read the story below and then answer the questions.

French - Introducing yourself

Watch the videos and then complete the sheets below.

Thursday 24th September 2020

Maths - Round numbers within 100,000

Watch this video and then complete the sheet below:

English - Collect vocabulary to describe a setting

Watch the video below to explore ancient Athens. Watch the video once all the way through without stopping. Then watch it again but pause it whenever you want to make a note about something you see or hear, or something you imagine can be smelled, tasted or touched. Try to use the expanded noun phrases, which you learned about yesterday. You will be using these notes to write a setting description over the next few lessons.

RE - Research Christian artefacts

Wednesday 23rd September 2020

English - Expanded noun phrases

First click this link

then watch the videos below and complete one of the exercise sheets (you choose your level of challenge).

History - What did the Romans ever do for us? ('POP BACK' LESSON)

Then watch this:


and read these:

and complete the following Diamond 9 activity (described in the document above) :